Stephanie Daigre, MFT

About Stephanie

Stephanie Daigre trained primarily in psycho-dynamic, family systems and attachment-based psychotherapies.  Her approach focuses on the whole personality and utilizes the therapeutic alliance to awaken individual capacities for positive change, incorporating insights from interpersonal neurobiology, archetypal psychology and trauma-focused therapies.

Stephanie received a Masters Degree in Integral Counseling from the California Institute of Integral Studies while interning at Family Service Agency of Marin, and was the psy­cho­ther­­apist for Buckalew’s Transitional Age Youth Program, serving young adults struggling with mental illness.  She sees a range of clients in a private practice that specializes in recovery from substance addiction and developmental trauma. 

Fluent in French, Stephanie graduated summa cum laude from Université Paris Ouest with a Masters in Philosophy, a discipline that helps inform  her approach to therapy and psychoanalytic theory.